Advanced Email Extractor is a nifty application that will grab e-mails from URLs. The application is extremely easy to use, but is lacking a lot in the stability department. This could be only my case, but the application was terrible in terms of reliability. But before, let me tell you about what it does. When you find a website full of e-mail addresses that you might need for purposes other than spamming, you need to grab them one at a time, using the copy/paste procedure. That takes a lot of time. Instead, you can simply load the URL on this application and let the program do all the hard work for you, so that you can go straight to not spamming. Advanced Email Extractor will grab all the e-mails on the website that you want, and from websites that are linked therein. So, you can specify a depth level for it to grab links. If you go with 5, for example, it will follow 5 links from each of the links on the main page and grab the e-mails from all those websites. The process can take a long, long time. And in my case, the application crashed whenever the e-mails were a lot.
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